DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with all of the latest events here

The DVCN organises a variety of training and other events throughout the year on subjects highlighted by our members. There is also a section for general domestic violence related events being organised around the country. If you have any events you wish to promote please contact us via enquiries@dvcn.org.uk


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14th June 2017

Responding to Multiple Disadvantage: Intersectionality in Policy and Practice

We are delighted to announce that the next DVCN Conference will be focusing on ‘Intersectionality’

The conference will explore the concept of ‘Intersectionality’ in all its facets as it becomes more and more prominent in discussions around VAWG policy development and service delivery and how best to meet the unique needs and experiences of all survivors. 

We have an exciting line-up of speakers from a range of specialist agencies. They will illustrate the importance of an intersectional approach as an essentialframework and tool to understand the complex reality and multiple layers of discrimination individuals may face.

The second part of the day will focus on the practical implementation of intersectionality and what this may look like in your daily work as professionals working both at a strategic and operational level within local authorities or the public and voluntary sector more broadly. 

The conference will be taking place on the 14th June in London from 10:00 – 15:45. Tickets for the day are free for members and £75 for non-members.

If you are interested in signing up to the event please contact admin@dvcn.org.uk.

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