DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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The DVCN organises a variety of training and other events throughout the year on subjects highlighted by our members. There is also a section for general domestic violence related events being organised around the country. If you have any events you wish to promote please contact us via enquiries@dvcn.org.uk


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7th March 2017

AAFDA Conference

AAFDA Annual Conference 2017

Speakers this year include:

Professor Evan Stark, whose work provided an important basis for the new law on coercive control, will address the promises and challenges of the new offense, particularly the hope it offers to hold the most serious offenders to account before a homicide occurs

Louisa Rolfe, Deputy Chief Constable for West Midlands Police and National Police Chiefs Council lead for domestic abuse

Home Office, confirmed that someone will appear

Family one – who persuaded the local area to hold a Domestic Homicide Review despite no formal finding of homicide

Family two – who ensured a re-balancing of the narrative in the Domestic Homicide Review and who then addressed the Community Safer Partnership

Family three, details to be confirmed

Karen Ingala Smith - CEO NIA Ending Violence, Femicide Census

Nicole Jacobs - CEO Standing Together Against Domestic Violence. Chairing multiple Domestic Homicide Reviews and recently published significant findings. 

Frank Mullane, CEO of AAFDA, Home Office appointed reader of Domestic Homicide Reviews and member of national panel quality assuring these reviews. 

If you would like to register for the event, please click here

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